• LILIC - Learn Italian and Live In Cilento
  • Corsa del Mito
  • Festa del pesce
  • Da noi fare i fichi, al sole...
  • Stanco dello stress della città

About us

Giuseppe Vitiello - LILICGiuseppe Vitiello, Honorary President and LILIC Founder Member

I have worked more than 20 years in international organisations (European Commission, Council of Europe, NATO Defense College) and universities (Hochschule fuer Medien, Stuttgart and Ca' Foscari, Venice), I am now returning to my first love: teaching Italian to foreigners (University of Toulouse, Orléans and language schools such as the Torre di Babele in Rome and Pisciotta). 

Linda Veneroso - CoordinatorLinda Veneroso, Coordinator, Project Work and Mentor and LILIC Founder Member

Work Psychologist, I have worked as consultant for various EU training programmes (LifeLong Learning, Leonardo da Vinci, ESPRIT) and institutions (INPS, ICCD Beni culturali, etc.). In LILIC I am in charge of the Project Work Section. 

Lucia Belli Coordinatrice ed Insegnante LILICLucia Belli, Coordinator and Courses Teacher

I have taught English in Italian high schools (Naples: Umberto I, Pansini; Rome: Curie, Antonietti) and universities (Federico II, Naples) and Italian as foreign language in Italian schools abroad (Madrid: Italian Ministry of Foreign Affairs; Reina Sofia, Museo del Prado). I hold various titles in methodology of modern language teaching (English for Tourism, London; English for Teachers, Totnes) and am national coordinator for student mobility programmes (Umberto I).

Alfonso Di Crisci - LILICAlfonso Di Crisci, Website Manager and LILIC Founder Member

Entrepreneur, I am active in informatics and restoration fields. For LILIC I am in charge of web marketing and relations with local entreprsies and associations. 

Francesca Fedullo - LILICFrancesca Fedullo, Technical Assistant

With a degree in Visual Arts and a long experience in Arts projects for the Academies of Arts in Naples and Bari and 'marinArte', in Pisciotta, I am in charge of video-making and logistics. 

Group of locals PisciottaGroup of locals Pisciotta

We are grateful to the cultural and non-profit associations in Cilento for their enthusiastic support.