We wish to thank all those who without asking questions and unknowingly, helped us to realize the portal. Deepening of contents, images that steal moments of the locals, stories and anecdotes arriving from pleasant chats on the seafront with generous people who celebrate Pisciotta every day
Most of the photographs of ScopriPisciotta are by Francesca Fedullo, a young emerging artist and photographer who, in addition to giving us her most precious landscape shots, knows every nook and cranny of this territory and all the holiday homes on the portal. She captured with her camera all that is special about this land ....and we haven’t spared her anything, even adventurous treks among thorns and nettles!
If navigating in the portal your mouth is watering and you feel all the aromas and flavours of the Cilento, it is thanks to Peppe Cucco, excellent professional photographer, able to return in each shot what makes this a unique land. Open all the ways of perception....it is likely you hear even his great music accompany figs, olives, anchovies and sublime dishes.